Sunday, February 8, 2009

Job Interview Mistakes

I definitely agree that these are some of the biggest mistakes you could make during a job interview. One, because I’m sure the writer knew what he/she was talking about and two, because these are definitely the types of things that run through my head when thinking about an interview. I’ve had both a phone interview and face-to-face interview and my biggest battles with both was sweating the little things and not practicing quite enough. The phone interview I had was for a Disney Internship where they asked me several scenario questions. I was somewhat caught off guard when they asked me what I’d do in each but I thankfully was able to answer them well. The face-to-face interview was much more intense! I had an interview with Avon in New York City this past summer and I honestly felt like I wasn’t prepared at all. It being my first official interview, I was very nervous and didn’t know what to expect outside of what I knew after talking to a few people. I had a hard time answering their questions involving work-related situations since I haven’t had many of those experiences yet. Next time, I’ll make sure I am much more prepared by trying to avoid many of these mistakes and practice, practice, practice! I’ll certainly make sure I also follow up to ensure I show my interest and just try to RELAX!

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