Sunday, February 22, 2009

I thought the cover letter advice from was for the most part helpful. I thought it was interesting that the cover letter is often read after the resume! I just assumed that since it is essentially an opening to your resume, it was always read first. One thing that I am guilty of is mass-emailing my resume a few times. In my mind I thought it couldn’t hurt, but after reading how much of a waste of time it is and how important it is to personalize to each company, I won’t do that again! One thing I thought was unfortunate to read was that most entry level resumes are simply filed away. It was very discouraging as an undergrad to see but definitely a beneficial reality check. Another thing that I thought was helpful was its emphasis on researching and learning about the company to show your interest. I wrote my cover letter for internships about a year ago and will definitely be modifying it so it pertains more to each specific company. There were a few things I didn’t agree with on the site like the postscript technique. Depending on how conservative a company is, I think the P.S. may be too informal and may not be taken seriously, especially if it is handwritten. I think the cover letter checklist is very useful because it sums up everything your cover letter should include. It helps wean out anything that doesn’t look appealing to prospective companies. I thought this advice was very valuable and I plan on reviewing my cover letter to make it as professional as possible.

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